Similitudinile cu noul concept lansat de Germania, la capatul primei recesiuni, sunt izbitoare. In acest context, reputatul analist pune in discutie cateva teze, lansate in aceasta dezbatere legata de Statele Unite ale Europei de catre Presedintele Romaniei, domnul Traian Basescu. Publicam, intr-un scurt serial, acest demers extrem de interesant al domnului Radu Golban, dupa care vom posta, tot intr-un serial, si cele mai importante documente ale Reich-ului nazist, legate de aceasta tema a Statelor Unite ale Europei.
“Presedintele Romaniei a vorbit in august despre Statele Unite ale Europei, ca viitor posibil proiect politic pentru continentul nostru. Pe de alta parte, la intalnirea Sarkozy - Merkel tot din august, presed. francez a vorbit despre necesitatea unui "nou guvern economic" pentru Europa, fara a da detalii despre constituirea si functionarea acestuia. De unde vine de fapt, ideea acestor State Unite ale Europei in epoca moderna?
Ideea SUE, veche, revine in eforturile de a gasi o solutie potica pentru iesirea din criza economica statele periferice din UE sunt insa reticente, caci ar pierde din suveranitate. Proiectul national-socialist privind Uniunea Statelor Europene se incadreaza in politica europeana de totdeauna a Germaniei, aparuta deja inaintea crearii statului german unificat si dezvoltata sub Bismarck, Republica de la Weimar, al treilea Reich, Germania divizata, Germania reunificata.
In primul rand este discutabil in ce masura un guvern economic al zonei euro infiintat doar de Germania si Franta ar putea fi cu adevarat european, deoarece exista pericolul ca vor tine cont mai degraba de interesele economice proprii. Atat istografia cat si vestitele instituii de studii europene au ignorat pana in prezent planurile Europei unite ale Germaniei national socialiste, stabilind dogmatic un moment fondator postbelic al uniunii in 1951. Ideea unitatii europene a constituit un element central al propagandei national socialiste: Werner Daitz, economistul partidului national socialist recomanda in 1940, ca Germania trebuie sa fie precauta si sa nu spuna lucrurilor pe nume: "a se vorbi numai de Europa, deoarece conducerea Germaniei vine de la sine datorita greutatii politice, economice, culturale, tehnice si amplasarea geografica a acesteia."
Aceasta recomandare generala din cele mai intunecate timpuri ale Germaniei exemplifica in ciuda unei pozitii dominante in razboi a tarii, necesitatea discretiei in formularea ambitiilor hegemoniale. Concretizarea planurilor si a diferitelor tehnici de integrare a urmat la nivel ministerial in diverse grupuri de lucru printre cele mai complexe fiind formularea actului constitutiv a "Confederatiei Europene" din 1943 elaborat de Joachim von Ribbentrop, ultimul ministru de externe al Reichului. Iar Werner Daitz trateaza intr-un memorandum din 31 mai 1940, aspectele "privind instituirea unui comisariat economic pentru marele spatiu european", explicand ca pentru acest spatiu "este esential" o conducere germana. Printre publicatiile acestui expert se numara si "Carta Europei" din 1943 dar si planul de "Colaborare germano-franceza si colaborare europeana" din acelasi an etc. Deoarece aspectele tehnice si expertizele unificarii Europei au primat asupra simplei propagande dusmanoase national socialiste, nu cred ca putem intelege astazi Europa fara a cunoaste si mecanismul integrarii dincolo de aspiratii primare de unificare”.
>> Christopher Story: The European Union Collective - Enemy of its Member States
The European Union is a strategic deception op. Masquerading as a means of institutionalising 'cooperation', it has been more accurately described by the cynical former President Mikhail Gorbachev as 'the new European Soviet'. Far from primarily representing a vehicle for furthering the various interests of its members, the European Union is in reality a Political Collective – modelled along classically Leninist lines. Its Member States have collectivised most of their interests in perpetuity – a collective act of revolutionary madness, since the EU’s real purpose is to strip European countries of their residual political, social and economic independence and sovereignty, and to control and absorb them within itself. It is indeed 'the enemy of its Member States'. The time has long since come for exposure of this corrupt collectivist geopolitical menace, and Christopher Story's book does just that. The book is divided into two main sections: Part 1, entitled 'Europe from the Atlantic to Vladivostok', provides a detailed analysis of the secret continuing Soviet Leninist strategic deception plan to achieve 'irreversible' hegemony over a 'single political space' from the Atlantic to the Pacific, using the European Union as one of the primary instruments for this purpose; and Part 2, entitled 'Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals', exposes the continuity of the parallel Pan-German strategy to achieve political and economic hegemony ('lebensraum') using the European Union as a mask. Mr Story shows that there has never been any discontinuity of either the Soviet or the Pan-German strategy. Russia and Germany have secret accords and function together in pursuit of their common, overt geopolitical objectives; but fundamentally, these two Great Powers are really at loggerheads. Although Germany has been extensively penetrated by Communists at the very highest levels, covert Soviet and German objectives actually diverge. The European Union Collective reveals the probably messy outcome of this always problematical 'marriage of geopolitical convenience'. Russia, Germany and France participate in a Trilateral Commission (no relation), which was formerly chaired by Jacques Chirac before he became President of France. It is partly though this mechanism that Moscow is in a position to maximise the potential of its comprehensive penetration of the European Union.
>> The European Union Collective - Enemy of its Member States (text, .PDF)
>> Radu Golban: Statele Unite ale Europei, o invenţie a lui Hitler ( II, III-IV, V, VI-VII )